Meet the Founders

Meet the Founders

Vaibhav: The Dreamer and Doer

Vaibhav is a visionary with a background in Business Analytics. At his core, he is driven by an unwavering desire to impact the world for the long term positively. He firmly believes that anything is possible with dedication and effort. His mission? To inspire individuals to become better versions of themselves, personally and professionally, recognizing that there are no limits to improvement.

Vaibhav's relentless pursuit of knowledge is guided by his insatiable curiosity, which defines his growth mindset. He firmly believes in the transformative power of curiosity and learning. He lives by the mantra, "How big would you dream if you knew you couldn't fail?".

Chirag: The Financial Visionary

Chirag, on the other hand, is the financial visionary behind Orelia Capital. With a strong background in Finance and Strategy, he navigates the intricacies of financial markets and investments with finesse. His deep understanding of the intricate world of finance is the backbone of Orelia Capital's financial insights.

Chirag's dedication is evident in his pursuit of excellence, having cleared the CFA Level 1 Examination and working towards clearing the CFA Level 2 Examination. Chirag perceives money as a powerful tool that can unlock the doors of freedom, enabling individuals to pursue their passions and live lives they genuinely love.

Together, as brothers and co-founders, Vaibhav and Chirag combine their unique perspectives to guide you on a journey that transcends traditional boundaries. They blend analytical acumen, financial expertise, and an uncompromising commitment to personal growth and purpose-driven living.

Join Us in Our Mission

Vaibhav and Chirag invite you to be part of the Orelia Capital community and join them in the mission to redefine wealth. Explore their wealth of knowledge and insights, and embark on a transformative journey where financial prosperity merges seamlessly with a growth-oriented mindset, ultimately enriching every facet of your life.

Connect with Vaibhav and Chirag

Feel free to connect with Vaibhav and Chirag on LinkedIn to delve deeper into their philosophies, insights, and experiences. They look forward to connecting with you and sharing in the journey of redefining wealth.